About Us
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North Mt. Zion Church of God was established in 1935 by E.P. Davenport with 17 charter members. He walked 12 miles across the Blue Ridge Mountains to establish and organize the local congregation. The first services were held at a local Baptist Church but soon relocated to a brush arbor in a nearby forest. After the brush arbor years, North Mt. Zion continued to operate out of local parishioners’ homes.
Later, the site of the brush arbor was donated and a small church was built on that site. The pews were made of boards nailed to the top of tree stumps inside the framed building.
Later, the site of the brush arbor was donated and a small church was built on that site. The pews were made of boards nailed to the top of tree stumps inside the framed building.
In 1994, Pastor Raburne Wilson was chosen as Pastor, and the attendance began to grow significantly. In June of 1996, the small brick building was demolished to make way for a new 9,000 square foot worship center. In 1999, a new 10,000 square foot addition was built and completed in 2000. Four years later, the church underwent another significant renovation process with the addition of a Family Life Center and improvements to the current sanctuary. Our vision is to be in continual movement to the next level. By focusing on our possibilities, we strive to present the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Spirit and Power of Pentecost.